Photo by Will Wilson 

I'm solid but...
I poured myself in your hands
Liquid seeping through your fingers, you couldn't hold me
I'd rather you see that
My love for you is weightless
No expectations
But my thoughts are heavy
And my heart is free
So many things left  to say
But our pride will be our biggest anchor

Like a lighthouse, you guided me out to sea
I'd rather it be us
On our own little island
But I waded in the water for you
No life vest, just in the water patiently waiting for you
Never had a chance for the makeups, because this was made up
& if we kissed and made up
We'd split the ocean into two

But I'm not an option
So as bad as it hurts
I'd rather it be her than me
I hope she loves you more than me
I hope she sees you for who you are
I hope she fuels your dreams

Your only giving me portions of you like allowance
& I won't allow it
I'm not going to allow it
I'd rather be
Somewhere with someone running their fingers through my hair

But to the one whoever you are that is patiently waiting, I'm going to save it all for you
Give you the best version of me
Once I get out this blues
My glass is half full and I have one last shot to get this right
You spoke to me as if I had nine lives
This lifetime I knew you'd never be mine
But maybe next time
As for me
I'd rather be ........ continued

By Aleya Angelique